Preaching Podcast Ep. #129 - God of Clarity (Pastor Jojo Baldo)

God of Clarity

"The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth". This is the call to clarity in these legal courtroom utterances. When a witness is found to be lying, he will be charged with perjury. The court, if it will be a source of true justice can only receive the truth. Anything else that falls short of truth is unacceptable.

The epistle of 2 John emphasizes the importance of truth. Only the truth sets free, so the truth must be well guarded in the face of massive deceptions, and systematic attempts to dismantle and disable its faithful declaration. 

But this truth must be spoken in love, and through love. You might have the corner of truth, but if it is bereft of love, we are mere "empty gongs or clanging cymbals".

Let us join Pastor Jojo as he explores the wonders of God's Word that continues to challenge and sharpens. May these be moments of clarity for all of us.


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