Preaching Podcast Ep. #124 - Jesus is Greater (Pastor Jojo Baldo)

Jesus is Greater

What has been the most challenging test of faith you have experienced? How were you able to keep the faith to persevere?

In Christian history, many of the forerunners of the faith were tested to the limits of their loyalty to Christ. They must have wrestled with the dilemma as to whether staying on in the faith was worth all the sufferings and sacrifices. Why hold on to the tenets of Christianity, when conforming with the majority opinion can prove to be an easier way to be freed from oppression? Why not rather stay “below the radar” so as not to attract any attention? Is there really a need to live out my Christian faith? Can’t it be a private thing between me and God?

The Book of Hebrews was addressed to the Hebrew-Christian believers who were going through the furnace of suffering because of their conversion to the ways of Christ. It was intended to remind them of how greater Jesus is than anything, or anyone else, even greater than the other long-held pillars of the Hebraic faith. Jesus is the sure foundation and the firm path on whom they stand and draw their security. 

This is the same voice from the Word of God that reaches out to us, especially in these times of turbulence brought by the post-pandemic world, the election fever, and the unceasing spiritual battles that the believers face every moment. We find our solace and sabbath in the Lord Jesus Christ. 

Let us join Pastor Jojo Baldo as he leads us in exploring the counsel of the Lord in the Book of Hebrews. To know the God of the Bible is to walk in a firm conviction, and deep confidence that the freedom and security we have been given is indeed one precious gift from above.


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