Preaching Podcast Ep. #121 - God: Our Redemption's Anchor (Pastor Jojo Baldo)

God: Our Redemption's Anchor

How do you overcome the strong forces of culture that are against the values of goodness and honorable living? Where do you get the conviction to live a life that is the exact opposite of what the people around you are doing? Do you run away from that kind of environment? Or do you engage the culture and redeem it for Christ's glory?

This is the background of the Book of Titus. A young pastor was thrust into a place where the overpowering culture was that of lies, violence, and immorality. How would he pastor a newly-birthed Church which found itself in the middle of this dark and depraved place? 

Let us join Pastor Jojo Baldo as he leads us into this practical study of the Word of God. The realities then are still the realities now. The Word of God remains timeless and timely.


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