Preaching Podcast Ep. #116 - The Preeminence of Christ (Pastor Jojo Baldo)

The Preeminence of Christ

Alexander Hamilton, one of the founding fathers of the USA once quipped: "If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything".

The same thing can be said about our faith. If the believer does not securely know what and whom he stands on, he will fall for anything, even the hallow and deceptive philosophies, and the dead traditions of this world.

St. Paul exhorts the Colossian believers to root themselves in the PREEMINENCE OF CHRIST. With the North Star of our faith guiding the pilgrim, there is great triumph that would mark the disciples' long walk of obedience.

In this preaching, Pastor Jojo Baldo explores the life-giving truths of the Bible, as we get to know our Jesus more  deeply in the passages of the Book of Colossians.

Timeless and timely. Let the Word speak powerfully to our hearts.


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