Preaching Podcast Ep. #113 - Love Makes Whole (Pastor Jojo Baldo)

Love Makes Whole

Have you experienced being told that you are "loved", but afterward you were made to feel that you were not enough; and that you needed to behave a certain way, and dress, and talk in certain ways, before you could truly be deemed worthy of that "love"? That must have been heartbreaking!

The Galatian Christians were being deceived by the enemies of the faith to believe that Jesus was not enough. They were being "bewitched" to reject the true gospel of God's love, and were being led to strictly adhere to the Jewish laws for them to be made "more acceptable" to God. The Apostle Paul rebuked, corrected, and reminded the believers that the Gospel of Christ has set them free, and they should not allow anyone to deceive them to embrace again the yoke of slavery. God's love has made them whole!

Let us join Pastor Jojo Baldo as he continues the series on KNOWING THE GOD OF THE BIBLE, and find the Biblical truths as relevant to our present-day lives. Knowing Jesus is our key to WHOLENESS.


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