Preaching Podcast Ep. #111 - Road to Wholeness: Head, Heart, Hands (Pastor Jojo Baldo)

Road to Wholeness: Head, Heart, Hands

St. Augustine of Hippo wrote in his book, Confessions, that for quite some time he would lift a wayward prayer that went "Lord, make me chaste and pure - but not yet..." He said it was a mark of the areas of his life that he refused to surrender to God, and how he remained unconverted in many crucial things.

The greatest commandment of God is to love Him with all our heart, soul, and might. Do you struggle in any, or in all of these areas? How do we become whole in our quest to honor God?

Let us join Pastor Jojo Baldo as he takes us into the Word of God, and receive from God's counsel the precious truths that can truly make us whole: head, heart, and hands.


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