
Showing posts from January, 2022

Preaching Podcast Ep. #111 - Road to Wholeness: Head, Heart, Hands (Pastor Jojo Baldo)

St. Augustine of Hippo wrote in his book, Confessions, that for quite some time he would lift a wayward prayer that went "Lord, make me chaste and pure - but not yet..." He said it was a mark of the areas of his life that he refused to surrender to God, and how he remained unconverted in many crucial things. The greatest commandment of God is to love Him with all our heart, soul, and might. Do you struggle in any, or in all of these areas? How do we become whole in our quest to honor God? Let us join Pastor Jojo Baldo as he takes us into the Word of God, and receive from God's counsel the precious truths that can truly make us whole: head, heart, and hands. #LighthouseOnline

Preaching Podcast Ep. #110 - Road to Wholeness: Living in Wholeness Amid Famine & Chaos (Pastor Jojo Baldo)

What do you do when life throws you a curveball? How do you reconcile faith and famine? The Patriarch Isaac found himself in a famine time, in the enemy territory. God showed Himself to Isaac with the assurance that this place of despair can be Isaac's place of hope. If you were in that spot, how do you remain wholehearted in your walk of faith when everything else pulls you down to panic and despair? Let us join Pastor Jojo Baldo as he explores the Scripture for answers to these age-old questions. #LighthouseOnline

Preaching Podcast Ep. #109 - Road to Wholeness: The God of the Second Chance (Pastor Jojo Baldo)

Nimrod and Abraham are two names that stand out in the post-Noahic-flood world. Both are aware of the second chance the world has been given. Both are gifted and influential. One chose to rebel against God, while the other willingly heeded God's instructions. One defied God to His face, the other was called the friend of God.  We all have been given precious second chances. May we use these precious chances to serve God, and glorify His name. WHOLENESS is God's gift to those whose hearts are loyal to Him.  Let us join Pastor Jojo Baldo as he leads us in exploring God's Word, and bridging God's eternal truths to our present-day world. #LighthouseOnline

Preaching Podcast Ep. #108 - Road to Wholeness: The Great Reset (Pastor Jojo Baldo)

Have you ever lent anything to somebody who turned out to be untrustworthy, and that which you have entrusted ended up being ruined, and made utterly useless? How did that make you feel? How did you deal with that unworthy steward?  "And the Lord regretted that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him to his heart." (Genesis 6:6 ESV)  Join us as Pastor Jojo Baldo leads us in exploring the narrative during Noah's time, how the earth was corrupted to its core, and how God had to do a great reset. By God's grace, may we all see the great truths from God's Word, to be applied to our present-day situations.  Let us worship the Lord! #LighthouseOnline

Preaching Podcast Ep. #107 - Numbers 25:1-13 (Pastor Carlo Rosacay)

What are you looking forward for this year 2022? What are your expectations? Before we even start a new year let us remind ourselves of what the Lord is expecting from us from His word. Let us fear the Lord, walk on His ways, love the Lord with all that we have, and keep His commandments. Let us listen to Pastor Carlo as he preaches the Word of God today. Have a blessed day everyone! #LighthouseOnline