Preaching Podcast Ep. #103 - The God of Love (Pastor Jojo Baldo)

The God of Love

Happy 31st Anniversary Lighthouse!

The bond that has kept us all these years is LOVE. As God is Love, so have we been soaked in, and filled by it. From its overflow, we are enabled to bless, serve, and touch others for God's glory.

Today we look at the  Gospel of John, the "disciple whom Jesus loved". The Apostle John was so infilled by the Spirit to speak of this greatest power. From the foundations of eternity, God has sustained us with His love, and in the fullness of time, God revealed the fullness of His love through Jesus, His Son. "In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind."
(John 1:4).

So we march on, Lighthouse family. We abide in the Vine that sustains. We obey the Lord who is worthy of our utmost service. We stand as one, in honor of the One who gave it all for us.

See you in our online, or our face-to-face service!


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