Preaching Podcast Ep. #102 - Jesus the Servant King (Pastor Jonathan Aranton)

Jesus the Servant King

A wonderful day to everyone! Today, we would be looking at the gospel account written by Luke. 

If you would observe the writings of Luke, you'll see that his accounts of Jesus were very specific given that he was a Doctor and was writing for a friend who was a gentile. In his writings, Jesus himself declared that he came as a servant willing to spread about the knowledge of God as well as healing the sick from town to town. He did not consider himself equal to God but he took on the very nature of a servant, but when he was raised from the dead, Jesus became a king for a kingdom that is not of this world. 

So let us read along the book of Luke together with Pastor Jonathan Aranton and try to pick up lessons from the life of our Lord Jesus Christ. Have a blessed day everyone!


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