Preaching Podcast Ep. #94 - God of Comfort (Pastor Jojo Baldo)

God of Comfort
This ancient empire of Assyria had developed an elaborate doctrine of cruelty, the sole purpose of which was to gain such a strong foothold in their enemies’ hearts – a foothold of fear!

Nahum was the prophet commissioned by God to pronounce judgment to a nation that He once spared, through the prophet Jonah’s preaching to the people of Nineveh, Assyria’s capital. But their evil deeds persisted and had reached its summit, and the Lord’s vengeance was upon them for the deaths they brought to God’s people. 

Our comfort is drawn from the truth that God will not forever tolerate evil. He is the valiant warrior that wages war against the forces of evil, and ultimately avenges His people. He truly is a refuge to those who put their trust in Him. 

Friend, when life is an overwhelming struggle against the darkness brought by death and the torturous heckles of the evil one, may we run to God and take refuge under His powerful hand. The Lord Jesus defeated Satan as He triumphed over death itself. He is our exalted Savior who is coming again to establish His everlasting kingdom amongst us, His people. All these pains will one day cease, and the glory of our soon-coming King will know no end. Be comforted by this truth.


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