Preaching Podcast Ep. #91 - God of the Family Tree (Pastor Jojo Baldo)

God of the Family Tree

What happens when unresolved family issues are left festering? How is the generational lineage affected? What does God's Word  have to say about this ever-present thorny issue? 

The Book of Obadiah shows, in the micro level, how the woundings between Esau and Jacob had dragged on, and affected their descendants for years to come. In the macro level, it showcases how humanity has broken fellowship with God, thus adversely impacting the lineage of God's chosen ones.

Have you experienced the pain of marred relationships? Have you been hurt by those closest to you? Ever felt the sting of betrayal and maltreatment?

Let us join our Senior Pastor Jojo Baldo as he mines the richness of God's counsel in the book of Obadiah.

Our God is the God of the Family Tree.

See you online!


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