Preaching Podcast Ep. #90 - God of the Oppressed (Pastor Jojo Baldo)

God of the Oppressed

When the Israelites were languishing in Egypt, the LORD God called Moses to deliver them, "for I have seen the misery of my people.. I have heard them crying out because of their slave  drivers.." (Exodus 3:7)

God's heart is roused by the cries of the oppressed. His heart is provoked by the callousness of the oppressors. 

The prophet Amos was raised by God to confront a generation which was oppressing their own. The Kings walked in evil ways; the priests were complacent; evil people did vile things to the poor and the voiceless.

God would not be quiet in the face of such systemic evil.

From then 'til now, God raises people like Amos, who will bear the burden of being an advocate for those who are yoked by the spirit of oppression.

Join us as our Senior Pastor Jojo Baldo exposits the Word of God, and bridges its timeless truths to today's realities.

Our God is the God of the Oppressed.


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