Preaching Podcast Ep. #86 - God of Visions (Pastor Jojo Baldo)

God of Visions

The Lord pronounced judgment to Judah, and the Babylonians came, and the exile began. But the Judahites still did not get it. They continued to rebel against God, and their hearts were so far away from Yaweh.

So the Lord sent the prophet Ezekiel to speak to those in exile to remind the people of the serious effects of their sins and disloyalty toward God. He also spoke of the heavenly visions he saw, if only for the Judahites to be assured that God is in the midst of their sufferings, and that restoration would come to the faithful remnant. In all these, the message from God was clear: "And they will know that I am the Lord".

What is the Spirit saying to the church today, in the light of these lockdowns, and COVID variants, and economic dislocations? Could it be that the Lord is drawing us back to Him, so that we "will know that He is the Lord?"

Join us in today's worship service as Pastor Jojo Baldo preaches the Word of the Lord, to the people of the Lord, in this day of the Lord, for the glory of the Lord.


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