Preaching Podcast Ep. #72 - God, Our History-Maker (Pastor Jojo Baldo)

God, Our History-Maker

History is His-story.

Oftentimes, life can appear to be a series of seemingly unrelated events. Many a soul wander through life with no notion of purpose, nor a reason for living. Life can be so tragic, and pointless. 

Sifted through the lens of faith however, life takes a deep meaning. The coincidences are viewed as divine orchestrations. Even the hurtful moments can be seen as an important building blocks of God's mighty works in the lives of the faithful. Human existence is transformed into a great adventure of faith. 

God after all, is our History-maker.

Join us in this Sunday's worship service as Pastor Jojo Baldo leads us in exploring the Word of God in 1 Chronicles.


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