
Showing posts from April, 2021

Preaching Podcast Ep. #71 - God of Dispersion (Pastor Leo Peralta)

A blessed day Lighthouse family. Today, we will have an exposition of the book of 2 Kings together with Pastor Leo Peralta. In that book, God has given the Israelites to their enemies because of their disobedience and hard-headedness. This is God's way of disciplining them and it has a purpose. If God has a way of dispersing them, he also truly has a way of redeeming them. Just like us Christians, our citizenship is not of this world but of heaven and our lives here is God's way of honing us into the image of His son, Jesus Christ. So may the preaching of God's Word pierce your hearts today, may God bless you all!

Preaching Podcast Ep. #70 - God of Israel (Pastor Mackie Rellama)

Nearing the twilight of his reign, we find King David preparing the nation of Israel for his successor. Tension filled the air as personalities claim the throne for themselves. Ultimately, we see the hand of God at work - the God of Israel moving actively to anoint the next king. In today's preaching, Pastor Mackie will be sharing to us that despite this changing of the guard, God remains to be a constant figure. His promises to David were the same promises He made to Solomon and are available to us today.

Preaching Podcast Ep. #69 - God of the Throne (Pastor Sam Sade)

The LORD God says through the Prophet Isaiah: ‘Heaven is my throne, and the earth is My footstool’ [Isaiah 66.1]. But, God is Spirit and as such we do not think of God’s throne as a literal throne, even if Isaiah had a grand vision of the LORD God ‘…high and exalted, seated on a throne…’ [Isaiah 6.1]. When we speak of God’s throne, we understand to be the place of power and authority from where the LORD reigns in sovereign majesty, power authority, righteousness and justice. The Prophets understood that even if an earthly king -good or wicked - ruled over Israel, the LORD was their King forever. Of the kings that reigned well, two stand out – David and Josiah. Today, as we continue to preach through the Books of the Bible, Pastor Sam will be leading us in a reflection of an important season in King David’s life when he desired to build God a temple but, to his surprise, finds out that the LORD has other wonderful plans, for him, his family, and the throne of Israel.

Preaching Podcast Ep. #68 - God of Victory (Pastor Jonathan Aranton)

Good day Lighthouse family for today we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ!   Today, let us listen to Pastor Jonathan Aranton as he tells the story of David on how when he was young, has conquered the giant that he is facing by trusting in The God of Israel and how later on how Jesus Christ faced the giant that is Death and emerged VICTORIOUS! May you be blessed by the preaching of God's word and always remember that we serve a God who LIVES!!!