
Showing posts from February, 2020

Preaching Podcast Ep. #9 - Let the Church be Full (Pastor Jojo Baldo)

During the Old testament, God gave out specific instructions on how certain rituals and ceremonies should be performed for the repentance of sins. This would actually be a model on how Jesus Christ lay down his life in order to save humankind. He tore the veil that separates us from God, therefore giving us full access to the glory of God the Father!

Preaching Podcast Ep. #8 - Love the Nation (Pastor Leo Peralta)

God blesses the nation that is HIS and our nation, the Philippines, is His. Sure, our nation may face constant challenges and struggles, but let us cling on to God's promise that he will surely bless our nation by using us as his instrument.

Preaching Podcast Ep. #7 - Love God (Doctor Albert Clavo)

February is the LOVE month and we will be kicking off the LOVE series with the LOVE OF GOD. The Bible says: "Now these 3 remain- faith, hope and love but the greatest of these is love". Dr. Albert Clavo why loving God is the first and most important person we should love.

Preaching Podcast Ep. #6 - Oaks of Righteousness (Pastor Jojo Baldo)

We are God's people and He has planted us like trees by streams of water: Mighty like the Oak tree, who yields it's fruit in season, whose leaves do not wither and blessed in our pursuits.

Preaching Podcast Ep. #5 - Vision Sunday (Pastor Jojo Baldo)

Listen as Pastor Jojo Baldo casts the vision, not just for our Church but for the Nation as well, that this truly is the time to: REBUILD, RENEW and RESTORE!

Preaching Podcast Ep. #4 - Blind No More (Pastor Jojo Baldo)

Most of us may not be blind physically but could actually have "Spiritual blindness". Listen as Pastor Jojo breaks down the story of Blind Bartimaeus and how enthusiastic he was to be released from the curse of "Blindness"!

Preaching Podcast Ep. # 3 Clean Slate (Pastor Jojo Baldo)

A new year has started and not just that but a new decade as well. During this time, we would usually look back on the years that have passed and try to begin fresh or start anew. It is also the time when we would request to God for a clean slate in order for Him to draw out His plans for us, especially for our future. On this preaching by Pastor Jojo Baldo, he enumerates the "Gifts of a Clean Slate", how much God has forgotten about our transgressions and how He desires for us to live a New Life with Him at the center.

Preaching Podcast Ep. # 2 Reconfigure (Pastor Jonathan Aranton)

As the New Year approaches, we would usually come up with a list of New Years resolutions in hopes of making a better version of ourselves, but sometimes to no avail. Only through Jesus Christ can we have a "RECONFIGURATION" in order to live on how God intended for us to live: as Children of God! On this preaching, Pastor Jonathan Aranton lays out some guidelines on how to "RECONFIGURE" our lives based on God's holy word.

Preaching Podcast Ep. # 1 Everything Must Be Fulfilled (Doctor Albert Clavo)

The greatest gift God has ever given to us was a baby, which is our Savior Jesus Christ. His coming and even the life he would live has been prophesied in scripture hundreds of years before his birth, and the wonderful part is that everything has been fulfilled. Now, Dr. Albert Clavo discusses these prophecies and how it has been fulfilled, as well us how it gives us hope that surely His promises in our lives would be as well.